Overcoming Problems
Make sure you have the right item selected in the Tools > Board menu. Double check all the coding lines from the coding page of this website to make sure everything is exactly correct. Also check all the spelling of everything as there is no spell check in coding.
The spinner could be faulty, in that case replace the spinner and try with a new one. If that still does not work, look over the spinner coding and use the video in the coding webpage section on this website to change some recommended lines of coding.
The tigthtness and placment of the spinner in ratio to the finger is what controls the tignteness of the grip. Try adjusting your spinner further away from the finger so that the string is the tightest it can be when the finger is bent.
Check the Nano boards code and make sure everything is exact, if that still does not work, look at the ports that you're flexi-sensor and spinner wires are connected to the correct ports on the Nano. The ports for the flexi-sensor is A0 S and A0 G and the ports for the spinner is 9 GUS.
Go to settings of your browser. Find clear cache history and clear the last hour. For Google Chrome, you scroll down to the bottom, press Advanced, and scroll down to the bottom of the next set of settings and you will see clear cache. Uncheck all of the other options because they do not matter.
Make sure all numbers of analogue pins are the same. E.g. A6 was a line of code for the flex sensor and the servo code had A9. Thus change so they are both the same.
Make sure the wires for the flexi sensor and micro servo are connected to the right pin on the board. Check this with your code to see what pin you need to attach them too. And remember that the brown wire goes to the GND pin.
If this occurs there is an easy fix! Just take of the top part and rotate it so that the finger can return back to normal.
Please call +55 403929388 for any more assitance