Prosthetic Finger Project


What is needed to create a bionic finger

Materials Function Sources to retrive material Alternatives
Coding knowledge Codes the Nano board and the bionic finger

to function and move from the computer.
1. The coding page of this website... click here.

2. The Arduino coding playground... click here.
Nano board Allows the code to program the spinner. Arduino shop Arduino board, although it would not work as well.
Battery Pack Provides power to the Nano board. Local hardware store Direct connection to computer.
Spinner Controls the motion of the finger. Arduino shop Anything that has the ability to turn in motion.
Arduino app Allows the user to write the coding on a supporting app. Arduino website... click here. Other coding platforms include, Electron, Codebender, Stino and Eclipse

However we do recommend Arduino.
Computer Enables the Arduino app to open and be used. Apple, Samsung, etc. N/A *note your computer must support the arduino program.
Flexi sensor Enables the Arduino app to open and be used. Arduino shop Accelerometers ADXL 335 (used for measuring bending & deflection).
Wires/Connectors Connect each component of the project together sending electrical signals to each part. Arduino shop N/A
3D printed finger The actual prosthesis that the spinners motions move. 3D printed from the computer. Any model finger that is flexible.
Wood plank To hold all the components together. Local hardware store. Plastic piece would be okay as long as it can be hot glued on.