Prosthetic Finger Project


Step by step method

To have a look at the resources required for this method click here.

  1. Step 1.

    By using the coding from the Coding page in the website, use the Arduino app to code the spinner and flexi sensor to the Nano. When you think you're code is successful;

    run the code and if the spinner is moving, it means the code is working and ready to be connected to the Nano board.

    Step 2.

    Connect the wires from the Nano to the spinner and flexi-sensor. The flexi-sensor wires connect into port A0 S, and A0 G. The spinner wires connect into port 9 GUS.

    Step 3.

    Hot glue the battery pack to the end of the long piece of wood and keep in mind the placement of all the other components.

    Step 4.

    Hot glue the Nano board and make sure to allow enough room so that the battery pack can plug into the Nano board.

    Step 5.

    Hot glue the spinner at the right angle in accordance to how the fingers placement at the top of the piece of wood.

    Step 6.

    Measure the string to make sure that when the spinner moves, the string is pulled tightly for the finger to move. Pull the string through the holes of the finger and hot glue

    the end of the string at the top of the finger and on the spinner edge. MAKE SURE that the string is tight enough for the spinner to pull the finger!!!

    Step 7.

    Finally, hot glue the finger at the tip of the piece of wood and make sure the placement is the most effective for the spinner to work.

    Congragulations, you now have a finished masterpiece!!!!!